How often should an office chair be replaced?
It's important to double-check the chair you're using when you're working. Your comfort level affects your focus and workflow. The age of the chair also matters when it comes to comfort. The average lifespan of an office chair can be as long as seven or eight years. When it reaches the end of its useful life, it's time to repair or replace it. Life cycle of different types of office chairs Rocking chairs – 10 to 15 years Office chairs – 7 to 10 years Upholstered chairs – 7 to 10 years Wooden chairs – 10 to 15 years How long is the normal service life of office chairs? If you find that your old office chair is not so much comfortable, it's time to buy a better office chair from an office furniture store. So the question is, how often should you replace your office chair? How long is the normal service life of office chairs? How often should your office chair be replaced? If you find that your old of...